Visit The Chapel
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am

Welcome to The Chapel

We’re passionate about our church community and we’d love to have you come and visit. We are a diverse family of teachers, electricians, doctors, plumbers, retirees, Democrats, Republicans, Independents…you get the idea. What draws us together is our love for God and people, and our desire to continue the mission of Jesus in the world. Our worship gatherings (services) are casual yet reverent; modern yet rooted in history; serious yet filled with humor. We would be honored to have you come and worship with us.

Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am 

Main Auditorium
Our services are about 60 minutes. Services include live teaching from our Pastors, and modern, creative worship led by our Worship Team.


264 Jacksonville Road
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

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Chapel Kids

Many of our Services and Events are recorded via Audio, Video, and Photography. The Chapel may use these recordings across our Social Media, Website, and other promotional materials. Contact Brandon Kingry with any questions.

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