Join a Group

We weren’t meant to do life alone. Take the next step in your walk with Christ by growing in community. Connecting with a small group is a great way to build relationships, grow in your faith and experience community. We have groups for everyone in person and online!

Find a group

Current Series

current series image

You Will Be My Witness

How do we find purpose in a culture that’s confused, self-absorbed, and distracted by endless entertainment? We find it in Jesus. After his resurrection, he entrusted his followers with a clear identity and mission: “You will be my witnesses.” Just as a courtroom witness testifies to what they’ve experienced, the early Christians simply pointed people to Jesus…and the world has never been the same. Today, Jesus speaks the same words to us, giving us a purpose that’s greater than anything the world offers. It’s time to rise up and follow him.

Series Overview

Series Materials

Use these materials to go deeper into this series on your own, or with your small group.

Week 1 Week 2

Week 3 Week 4

Week 5 Week 6

Watch Series

Small Groups

Young Couples Group image

Young Couples Group

Calling all Young Married Couples (20s-30s) -- come join other young couples for this new biblical and relational small group. We will use an inductive Bible study method to learn practical lessons from the Book of Acts. We'll follow the sermon series topics from the previous Sunday. The group will run for 6 consecutive weeks, with a possibility o f continuing. This group is for married or engaged couples in their 20's and 30's.

Starting January 29
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:45pm
Sunset Ministry Center, Room 309

150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ
Coffee & Grace image

Coffee & Grace

Calling all singles, ages 35-65 years old: Join us for a weekly gathering of like-minded Christian singles! We'll meet after the 10:30 service at Defying Gravitea coffee shop in Pequannock. We'll fellowship and discuss the sermon message. Discussions may also include topics relevant to dating for marriage with biblical principles. As the group grows, we'll plan additional activities & outings outside of group time.

12:00pm Sundays
Defying Gravitea

211 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pequannock
Marriage Workshop – The Rhythm of Us image

Marriage Workshop – The Rhythm of Us

The healthiest, happiest marriages share a transformational secret… “Intentional Rhythms” Join us in discovering those essential rhythms and the impact they can have on your relationship as you envision the marriage you long for, identify the ruts that are keeping you stuck, and bring your deepest passions and priorities to life. Email with any questions.

Starting February 13
Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm
Sunset Ministry Center

150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Sunday at The Chapel

A co-ed group for everyone! Join us at 11:30 AM in Room 206.  We discuss the sermon series.

Sundays, 11:30am-12:30pm
Room 206 – Main Building

Start Your Own Small Group

Follow these easy steps:

Group Resources

Virtual Group Tutorial

Leader Resources

Contact Us

Susan Breitz
Director of Adult Discipleship

Jackie VanHook
Associate Director of Adult Discipleship

Small Groups image

Small Groups

Join Chapel Women to build relationships, grow in your faith, and experience authentic community. There are groups available for all ages and life stages including our 20 & 30 year old’s group, Single Sisters, Single Moms, and MomCo for moms of young kids.

Sunset Ministry Center
150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Find a Group

Leader Login
New Women’s Group: Fully Devoted Study image

New Women’s Group: Fully Devoted Study

This group is for new women! Participants will need to purchase their own study guide to use.

Go from Believing to Following! Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session/16-week study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others.

Starting on January 21
Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Sunset Ministry Center
150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

New Women’s Group: Living out Loud Study image

New Women’s Group: Living out Loud Study

This group is for new women! Participants will need to purchase their own study guide to use.

Living out loud isn’t a strategy for sharing the gospel; it’s about being so comfortable in your own spiritual skin that conversations about faith happen naturally and spontaneously. It’s about making God such an integral part of your daily life that you can’t help but talk about him – at home, at work, with family, and with friends – not as a sales pitch, but as a facet of your regular conversations. This is a book study – participants will read through the book and discuss.

Starting on January 23
Thursdays, 9:15 – 11:15am
Sunset Ministry Center
150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Seamless image


Are you a senior woman looking to have community and Bible study with others in your life stage? If so, join this new small group on Thursday mornings at the Student Ministry Building. Our meeting space is wheelchair accessible, and close to parking.

Tuesdays, 10:00am
Student Ministry Building


Single Women

Single Moms
Navigating the unique realities and struggles of raising kids by yourself is not a journey you should walk alone. We would love to help get you connected to a group that would be the best fit for your life stage and schedule. Contact


Single Sisters
The Single Sisters Group is an extraordinary fellowship of women, who are either divorced, separated, widowed or have never been married.

Every Other Thursday at 7:00pm
Sunset Ministry Center

150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ


20s & 30s Women image

20s & 30s Women

This group of women in their 20s & 30s (married or unmarried, without kids) meets Tuesday evenings for a time of fun, fellowship, and Bible-based discussion.

E-mail with any questions.

Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Sunset Ministry Center

150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Moms image


The MomCo is for moms of infants through school-aged children. Groups are available with free childcare on Thursday and Friday mornings, and on Sunday evenings (no childcare available on Sundays).

Sunset Ministry Center
150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Learn More

Moms of Teens / Young Adults

Do you have a teen or young adult? Join the “Launch” group on Tuesday nights to support and encourage each other through prayer and Bible study as we navigate the challenges of parenting teens/young adults as they head out into the world.

Meets in Montville


4:13 Young Women’s Group

Small group for women 22-35. This group meets every other Wednesday at 7:00pm in a home.


Contact Us

Susan Breitz
Director of Adult Discipleship

Julie Barclay
Associate Director of Chapel Women

Small Groups image

Small Groups

Get connected! Check our men’s small groups and find one that is right for you.

New Men’s Group – The Forge Study image

New Men’s Group – The Forge Study

This is a NEW Men’s Group – all men welcome to join! The group will start on January 28, after “The Forge” movie night. Participants will need to purchase their own study guide to use.

Jesus focused His time and attention on walking with God and making disciples. Shouldn’t we? In His wisdom, He chose to invest deeply in the lives of twelve men. He saw them, called them, taught them, saved them, then sent them into the world to bear witness to what He had done for them. This five-week small group study uses featured clips from the new Kendrick brothers’ movie, THE FORGE, to ignite a passion for knowing Christ personally, following Him sacrificially, obeying Him willingly, and helping others become disciples of Christ. The world doesn’t need another strategy, it needs men and women who are devoted to Jesus and committed to helping others know and follow Him through lifelong discipleship.

Starting on January 28
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm
Room 205 – Main Building

Men’s Brigade image

Men’s Brigade

All men are welcome to join this group (ages 55 and up). We meet once a month (usually on the 3rd Thursday, but this can occasionally change), starting at 9:00am in the Impact Center. We fellowship over coffee and bagels, and have special guest speakers. For more information, contact Bill Francis.

3rd Thursdays, 9:00am
Impact Center

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Consecration is a word you may or may not be familiar with… it means dedicating ourselves wholly to God and His service. In this course we will go through each stage as we unpack the rich teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. From the foundational stage of Salvation to the pivotal moment of Surrender, we will see and understand what it means to live fully for God’s will.

Join the Battleground Men’s group on Saturdays from 8:00-10:00am in the Impact Center and breakfast will be served.

Saturdays, 8:00-10:00am
Impact Center
Young Dads Group image

Young Dads Group

The Young Dads Group is for dads with young children, ages 2-10. For our first 6 week study, we’ll be using Dad Tired Q&A Mixtape, which helps answer your questions about how to love and lead your family well. The group will meet from 7-8:30PM on Tuesday nights, starting November 12th in Room 202 of the Main Building. Come join us, and bring your dad friends!

Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm
Main Building: Room 202

Young Men’s Group image

Young Men’s Group

Join us for a time of growth and connection. This group is for men in their 20s and 30s who want to deepen their relationship with God and build community. All are welcome!

Email with any questions.

Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Impact Center

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Life’s Lessons

Calling all men: do you think you’re the only man struggling through life? Do other people make it look easy where you feel every bump in the road? It’s not as easy as it looks! Come and learn from men who know what it takes to persevere, but also know it’s not easy. Join us as we share what the Lord (and His written word), has taught us about parenting, leadership, keeping a healthy marriage, and just making it through life. All are welcome to join us!

Sundays, 8:45-10am
Room 202 – Main Building


Contact Us

John Diaz
Associate Director of Care

young adults
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Small Groups

If you are interested in joining a young adult’s small group, click the link below to see what groups are currently available.

Find a Group
20s & 30s Women image

20s & 30s Women

This group of women in their 20s & 30s (married or unmarried, without kids) meets Tuesday evenings for a time of fun, fellowship, and Bible-based discussion.

E-mail with any questions.

Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Sunset Ministry Center

150 Sunset Road, Pompton Plains, NJ

Young Men’s Group image

Young Men’s Group

Join us for a time of growth and connection. This group is for men in their 20s and 30s who want to deepen their relationship with God and build community. All are welcome!

Email with any questions.

Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Impact Center


4:13 Young Women’s Group

Small group for women 22-35. This group meets every other Wednesday at 7:00pm in a home.


Contact Us

Susan Breitz
Director of Adult Discipleship

Julie Barclay
Associate Director of Chapel Women

chapel seniors
PrimeTime image


PrimeTime is an opportunity for seasoned adults (60+) to refresh and refuel. Activities will include worship, fellowship and discussion, day trips, special events with guest speakers and so much more!

Last Wednesday of the Month,
Impact Center

Men’s Brigade image

Men’s Brigade

All men are welcome to join this group (ages 55 and up). We meet once a month (usually on the 3rd Thursday, but this can occasionally change), starting at 9:00am in the Impact Center. We fellowship over coffee and bagels, and have special guest speakers. For more information, contact Bill Francis.

3rd Thursdays, 9:00am
Impact Center

Seamless image


Are you a senior woman looking to have community and Bible study with others in your life stage? If so, join this new small group on Thursday mornings at the Student Ministry Building. Our meeting space is wheelchair accessible, and close to parking.

Tuesdays, 10:00am
Student Ministry Building


Contact Us

Jamie Longo
Director of Care