

June 2, 2024 | Pastor Dave Gustavsen

9:00am Service | 10:30 Service | Audio

In “Vision,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen talks about how we see, how God sees, and how we can start seeing the way God sees. The story of God selecting young David to be king over his older, more outwardly impressive brothers illustrates how God looks at the heart. In contrast, we are often distracted by looks and miss what really matters. Adopting God’s way of seeing would positively change many areas in our lives, such as friendship, dating/marriage, and goals. Ultimately, the life of David points us to the True King, Jesus.

Use the material to go deeper into this Series on your own, or with your small group.

Series Overview
SOAP Bible Study Method
Weekly Material

Past Series

Tuesday, December 24
1:00, 2:30, 4:00 & 5:30pm