
Jesus the Forgiver

January 21, 2024 | Pastor Dave Gustavsen

9:00am Service | 10:30 Service | Audio

In “Jesus the Forgiver” Pastor Dave Gustavsen uses the story of four men who bought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing to teach about the wisdom and the authority of Jesus. The crowds, eager for a miracle, expected physical healing, but Jesus surprises them by first addressing the deeper issue – the forgiveness of sins. Likewise, we often think we know what we need, but Jesus drives us deeper, revealing our true spiritual needs. If we can learn to trust him as he drives us deeper, it will change the way we live.

Use the material to go deeper into this Series on your own, or with your small group.

Series Overview
Group Format
Personal Study Sheet

Past Series

Sunday, December 29
9:00 & 10:30am