
Childlike Boldness

October 15, 2023 | Pastor Ted Voltmer

9:00am Service | 10:30 Service | Audio

Boldness comes from seeing God at work around us, and being willing to risk everything to join Him in that work. In “Childlike Boldness,” Pastor Ted Voltmer and Heather Horn share the story of Esther, whose bold choice to risk her life to save her people shows us how God uses individuals in their unique positions for His purposes. Esther’s story points us to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. By believing in Jesus and relying on His strength, our lives can be marked with childlike boldness.

Use the material to go deeper into this Series on your own, or with your small group.

Series Overview
Common Ground Workbook

Past Series

Sunday, December 29
9:00 & 10:30am