
If it Doesn’t Work, it’s Not Faith

April 24, 2022 | Ted Voltmer

Classic Service | Modern Service | Audio

Everything Jesus taught about faith, he demonstrated in his life. We are called to follow Him as we live out our faith in our homes, our relationships, at school or work – every part of our lives. In “If it Doesn’t Work, it’s Not Faith,” Pastor Ted Voltmer talks about two very different kinds of faith: a dead faith that doesn’t go anywhere, and a living faith that takes the next step. We all need to take a honest look at ourselves and decide if we are ready to live out what we believe. Because of God’s great love and faithfulness, we never take those next steps alone, He is there to help us every step of the way.

Materials for Groups & Individuals
Use the material to go deeper into this Series on your own, or with your small group. Series Materials

Past Series

Tuesday, December 24
1:00, 2:30, 4:00 & 5:30pm