Chapel Kids Online

Welcome to Chapel Kids Online! Here you will find links to this week’s Chapel Kids lesson videos. There are also a few activities for you to do as a family to follow-up each lesson. Be sure to check out this week’s devotions for K-5th graders. These devotions are a great tool for encouraging your kids to spend time with God throughout the week.

Sunday Video Lessons
July 21 – Preschool | Elementary | Preteen
July 28 – Preschool | Elementary | Preteen

K-5th Devotions
July 21
July 28

Parent Guide
July 21 – Preschool | Elementary | Preteen
July 28 – Preschool | Elementary | Preteen

Parent Guide Communication
First Look
252 Kids

Parent Cue App
What’s a Parent Cue? It’s a prompt for parents to talk with their children about Jesus in their everyday moments—during meal time together, when you’re playing a game outside, when you’re in the car driving the kiddos to school. The Parent Cue app gives you simple ways to connect with your child each week. This FREE app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Download the Parent Cue App

Have you joined the “Parents of Chapel Kids” Facebook group? E-mail Bria to be added to the group, and follow the us on Instagram